Hi there! I’m Emily Pryor.

I’m a UX designer dedicated to creating and researching accessible and inclusive designs

Designing for all

Designing for all ✦

Virgin Wines

A redesign of 3 pages on the current Virgin Wines website. A UX project to increase accessibility and portray joy throughout the designs.

Ace tuition

Ace is an app designed for neurodiverse students so they can learn in new ways that are tailored to them.

Adventure VR

Adventure VR allows people to book experiences that they may not get to do in real life.


Syper is a neurodivergent tuition company aiming to make sure that no student is left behind with their education.


The applied neuroscience association is a group of people researching new ways to spread neuroscience for social good, trying to improve peoples lives.

Designing for all

Designing for all ✦

Let’s chat.

Email: emilypryor29@gmail.com